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Wearing a mask will NOT save you.

To those that are unaware contrary to what the devil has said; wearing a mask will not save you.  A cloth mask will not stop airborne virus particles.  Even wearing a surgical N-95 mask, while offering better protection, does not stop all the airborne virus particles.  Allah created Man to breathe oxygen and expel harmful poisons to the body.  Wearing a mask all day is harmful to your health! 

Wearing a mask is a part of the elite devils' satanic ritual practices.  It is an act of obedience and submission.  Those who submit to the Will of Allah should think twice before wearing a mask.  This is another sign to the wise that we, members of the Black Nation, need our own (businesses, land, etc.) so we are not subject to the devil's silly rules.

Do not let the devil trick you into forgetting your common sense.

"Blessed are those who forge first to bring the way for others." - The Honorable Elijah Muhammad

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