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We need to build homestead communities.

The devil is forcing a separation in his society.  Thru the devil's plandemic: those that take the so-called vaccine will stay a part of the devil's society and those that refuse to take the so-called vaccine will be cast out from the devil's society.  I think this is Allah spanking members of the Black Nation that want to separate, yet for what ever reason have not done so yet.

We should build our own society now; it will make the transition easier.  We don't want to be kicked to the curb (kicked out of the devil's society) with no food, clothing, or shelter.

The Messenger taught us that separation is more important than prayer.  We have to acquire some of this land to call our own.  Two to four acres of land can sustain a family of six.  Many like minded families can build next to each other and form a homestead community.  We can grow our own food, make our own clothing, and build our own shelter.

"Blessed are those who forge first to bring the way for others." - The Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Yes sir I’m ready to build. I have a construction company and a sister in Oklahoma has 100 acres!

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Quote from ShabazzDigital on January 3, 2024, 11:57

Yes sir I’m ready to build. I have a construction company and a sister in Oklahoma has 100 acres!

That is wonderful! I have often thought of being part of a community of followers, students, or disciples of The Messenger. The Messenger stated that eventually those still around will be pushed to the center of the country (e.g. states like Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and a little of Colorado, Wyoming, and South Dakota).

I have seen others online build communities (e.g. or; so I say to myself, if they can, those that stand with The Messenger can too.

"Blessed are those who forge first to bring the way for others." - The Honorable Elijah Muhammad

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